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  • How do I become a member?
    Fill out the application. Then ask an exisitng member sponsor you.
  • Register for AKC Event
    Download and comlete this form: (Each Entry fee includes All AKC Event Service & Recording Fees.) EXPRESS & OVERNIGHT MAIL: MUST BE SENT “NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED” USE ONLY OFFICIAL AKC ENTRY FORMS, ANY ENTRY BLANKS WITHOUT COMPLETE INFORMATION, NOT SIGNED, OR NOT ACCOMPANIED BY FEES, AGREEMENT & RULES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. SECRETARY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CASH SENT THROUGH THE MAIL OR ANY OTHER SHIPPING SERVICE. RETURNED CHECKS do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Show Secretary will add a collection fee of $25.00 to the amount of each returned check. Subsequent returned checks from the same exhibitors may result in their being put on a cash only basis. ENTRY FEES will not be refunded in the event of errors or cancellations of entries after the published closing date, nor in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, sick, lame, excused by the Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from competition by action of the Show Committee. NO ENTRY shall be accepted which specifies any condition as to its acceptance.
  • What are the class costs?
    PAY BY: 1st Class Entry of Each Dog & Show, except as listed below Check: $28.00/Paypal $30.50 Additional Class, Same Dog & Show Check: $24.00/Paypal $24.00 Sweeps Classes (as an additional class) Check: $22.00/Paypal $22.00 Puppy 6-9 & 9-12 and Veteran classes Check: $22.00/Paypal $24.50 4-6 Beginner Puppy Check: $22.00/Paypal $24.50 Herding Titled Check: 22.00/Paypal $24.50
  • When do entries close for the BSCA Shows on September 25th?
    Entries close September 9th.
  • What are the Show Hours?
    Show hours are 7:00am to 7:00pm
  • Notice to exhibitors
    NO DOGS wrongly entered in a class may be transferred to another class except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows: “a correction may be made in the sex of a dog, or a dog may be transferred from one division of the Puppy Class to another or between the Puppy and Twelve-to-Eighteen Month Class at a show prior to the judging, and except that dogs which according to their owners’ re-cords have completed the requirements for a championship after the closing of entries for a show but whose championships are unconfirmed, may be transferred from one of the regular classes to the Best of Variety competition, provided this transfer is made by the Show Secretary at least one half-hour prior to the scheduled start of any regular conformation judging at the show. OWNERS AND HANDLERS ARE RESPONSIBLE for errors in entry forms, and entering the same dog twice, regardless of who may make such errors or duplicate entries. ONLY DOGS THAT ARE ELIGIBLE to be shown under The American Kennel Club Rules shall be allowed on the show precincts. JUDGES WILL NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDING UP A CLASS. Owners or agents alone are responsible for the presence of their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. Direct all questions to: Valerie McKeever, 981 Fairway Dr. Gardnerville, NV 89460 TROPHIES MUST BE PICKED UP THE DAY OF THE SHOW. NO TROPHIES WILL BE MAILED OR OTHERWISE DISTRIBUTED. THE SHOW COMMITTEE will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible for, or assume any liability in the event of an accident or misfortune, to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. THE WELFARE OF AN EXHIBITOR'S CHILD is to be the responsibility of the exhibitor. It is distinctly understood that exhibitors will exercise control and restraint over their children during the show weekend. EXHIBITORS AND HANDLERS will be held responsible for keeping the premises clean around their crates and set-ups. DO NOT LEAVE DOGS IN CLOSED VEHICLES. Any unsupervised dog in distress may be removed from a vehicle by whatever means if necessary. By entering this show the owner, exhibitor or handler agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Belgian Sheepdog Club of America and the Sierra Nevada Belgian Sheepdog Club or it’s members in the event a motor vehicle must be entered to rescue a dog from overheating or suffocation due to improper ventilation. THIS CLUB DOES NOT AGREE TO ARBITRATE CLAIMS AS SET FORTH ON THE OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM FOR THIS EVENT.


President-Sandy DeChambeau

Vice-President-Felicia Patterson

Secretary - Kay Savory 

Treasurer-Kathay Lovell 



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