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BSCA AKC Herding Trials and Tests, Gardnerville, NV
8/31 - 9/1 - Labor Day weekend
Judge Marion Pott Pollock
BSCA Regional Specialty, Carson, NV
Friday 9/27/24
Sweepstakes - Judge Kayla Savory
Specialty am - Judge Lynda Trotter
Specialty pm - Judge Danelle Brown
Bonanza Kennel Club Shows, Carson, NV
Saturday 9/28/24
BSCA supported entry, Judge Lloyd Graser
Farm dog test at Sheepcamp and herding play day
Sunday 9/30/24
Bonanza KC show Judge Lisa Graser
BSCA Designated Specialty at the
Northern California Herding Association Show in Dixon, CA
Friday 10/25/24
Judge Regina Byrant
Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers Association Shows, Dixon, CA
Saturday 10/26
Judge Cathy Daugherty
Sunday 10/27
Judge Bill Daugherty

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